What I want to talk about myself is the following picture. I called it as prototype.
Prototype, in dictionary means "first and original example of something has been or will be copied or developed; model or preliminary version". Normally, what we saw a prototype in dramas is the experimental item that need to see the outcome, then will do the better version of it.
I made myself as prototype is because:
1. I am year 1 sem 1, and I have a lot of things need to learn for my course.
2. It's not only at university, but also as in working place, when we start to work, we have a lot of things need to learn, and sometimes, we need to train ourselves to get ourselves easy when we meet customers/clients. That's the things that we called ourselves as prototype.
3. I very like rider stuff, then I do a clay that to represent myself as prototype, and the pics that showed about the riders are complete version. It's like, when I want to be a rider, in before that, I need to train myself 1st so I can make myself better, then I need to gain experiences and so I can be better as them.
What I want to represent about this as followed:
The exterior box is sticked with one of my favourite rider, Kamen Rider Accel.
The box I use mounting board to cut and make the box.
At front part, I cut a rectangle and put a transparency plastic to show my prototype clay. The picture inside represents all the riders since year 1971 that already showed as dramas or series in Japan and worldwide.
I use the steel wire as the belt part to show myself as the beginner learner as rider and need to upgrade myself and gain more experiences. The title "The prototype rider" is showed at the front of the box.
Left part is one of the signature about my favourite rider, and it's call "Accel Memory". This memory is a main device to transform as rider.
Right part is the complete look of my favourite rider, Kamen rider Accel. It's eyes actually can be highlighted in LED lights when he's going in final attack.
Upper part is the logo of my favourite rider. The word "A" is the main design of this rider.
Lower part is the base, so I didn't put anything for it.
At back is I done my cosplay as human form of this character at July year 2010. I did cosplay since 2009 as various characters in manga(Japan comics), anime(animation in full word) and dramas. another pic is the close up look of the rider.
Nothing much to be added, so hope this one can let people know better about what I want to express about myself. Thanks.